Statglide Documentation


Make a POST request to This endpoint accepts the parameters detailed below and returns a download link for your report.


Every request to the Statglide API should be authenticated with your Statglide token. You can find this token in your user settings once you log in.

Include the token in the request body:

"statglide_token": "{YOUR TOKEN}"

Selecting Integrations and Data Scopes

Specify the integration you wish to generate data on:

  "integration": "Stripe"
  "integration": "Stripe"

Integrations & Scopes

  • Stripe

  • Google Analytics

  • Google Search Console

  • Google Ads

  • Facebook Ads

  • Shopify

Example JSON Body and JSON Response

In this JSON snippet we will combine our Statglide token, date range, file format, integrations, and scopes to generate a report. Consider running this with your Statglide token to see a result!

The JSON response will look similar to the one provided below, containing a download URL, id, and message.

  "statglide_token": "sg_testtoken",
  "integration": "Stripe"


  "download_url": "",
  "id": "7c7f2d68-7d19-48e1-8f54-424a8a49ca17",
  "message": "Stripe report generated successfully."
  "statglide_token": "sg_testtoken",
  "integration": "Stripe"


  "download_url": "",
  "id": "7c7f2d68-7d19-48e1-8f54-424a8a49ca17",
  "message": "Stripe report generated successfully."

Retrieving Your Report

Upon making a successful POST request, you'll receive a download link containing your data in an Excel (.xlsx) spreadsheet.

A few things to note:

  • All accounts connected to Statglide for your given integration will appear in the spreadsheet. They will be seperated by sheet, with each sheet being named the id of the property, account, or domain.

  • When generating body for request ensure your integration matches up with one in the integration list above, and your Statglide token matches the token from the Statglide app.

  • Integrations in which you don't have data will result in an error, ensure you have a connected account with atleast one day of data before trying to generate a report.

Congratulations, you've successfully made an API request with Statglide!

Rate Limiting

All users are subject to the following rate limits when using the API or generating reports in the app.

  • 10 requests a minute

  • 50 requests an hour

  • 200 requests a day

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