Revolutionizing E-commerce Analytics: Dive Deep with Statglide's Integrated Dashboard

Aug 29, 2022

In the bustling world of e-commerce, understanding your metrics is not just useful—it's vital. Between managing sales, tracking conversions, and monitoring revenue, e-commerce entrepreneurs need a clear view of their performance. However, with data often scattered across platforms like Shopify for sales and Stripe for payments, drawing actionable insights becomes challenging. Statglide offers the perfect solution.

In this article, we'll spotlight how Statglide's integrated dashboard is a game-changer for e-commerce businesses, bringing all crucial metrics under one roof.

The E-commerce Data Dilemma

For many online retailers, the daily routine involves hopping from one platform to another, compiling data, and then trying to make sense of it all. This fragmented approach can lead to oversight, misinterpretations, and missed opportunities.

Statglide to the Rescue

Here's how Statglide transforms the e-commerce analytics landscape:

  1. Unified View: With integrations for both Shopify and Stripe, Statglide offers a comprehensive view of your e-commerce operations—from sales and order numbers to revenue and balances.

  2. Simplified Analysis with Pre-Made Templates: No need to build from scratch. Use Statglide's expertly crafted templates to immediately dive into your metrics.

  3. Holistic Insights: Beyond just sales and revenue, gain insights into metrics like Average Order Value (AOV) and Conversion Rate (CVR) to truly understand your business's performance.

Harnessing Statglide for E-commerce Success

Maximize your e-commerce potential with these steps:

  1. Easy Integration: Seamlessly connect your Shopify and Stripe accounts to Statglide's dashboard.

  2. Dashboard Exploration: Navigate through the pre-made templates, focusing on key e-commerce metrics.

  3. Deep Dive Analysis: With a centralized view, identify trends, areas of growth, and potential pain points.

  4. Data Export & Collaboration: Use the versatile reporting feature to share insights with your team, making data-driven decisions collaboratively.

  5. Advanced Customization with API: For businesses looking for more, utilize Statglide's API to fetch custom data sets and further integrate with other tools.


In the rapidly evolving e-commerce landscape, staying ahead means making timely, informed decisions. Statglide's integrated dashboard ensures e-commerce businesses have the tools they need to excel. By centralizing, simplifying, and enhancing analytics, Statglide empowers online retailers to not just understand their data, but to harness it for unparalleled growth.

Your universal dashboard for seamlessly managing and interpreting all your online statistics.

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